Victor Meldrew sitcom character
An attack of the grumps can make you communicate better, it is suggested

In a bad mood? Don't worry - according to research, it's good for you.

An Australian psychology expert who has been studying emotions has found being grumpy makes us think more clearly.

In contrast to those annoying happy types, miserable people are better at decision-making and less gullible, his experiments showed.

While cheerfulness fosters creativity, gloominess breeds attentiveness and careful thinking, Professor Joe Forgas told Australian Science Magazine.

'Eeyore days'

The University of New South Wales researcher says a grumpy person can cope with more demanding situations than a happy one because of the way the brain "promotes information processing strategies".

Negative moods trigger more attentive, careful thinking, paying greater attention to the external world
Professor Joe Forgas

He asked volunteers to watch different films and dwell on positive or negative events in their life, designed to put them in either a good or bad mood.

Next he asked them to take part in a series of tasks, including judging the truth of urban myths and providing eyewitness accounts of events.

Those in a bad mood outperformed those who were jolly - they made fewer mistakes and were better communicators.

Professor Forgas said: "Whereas positive mood seems to promote creativity, flexibility, co-operation and reliance on mental shortcuts, negative moods trigger more attentive, careful thinking, paying greater attention to the external world."

The study also found that sad people were better at stating their case through written arguments, which Forgas said showed that a "mildly negative mood may actually promote a more concrete, accommodative and ultimately more successful communication style".

His earlier work shows the weather has a similar impact on us - wet, dreary days sharpened memory, while bright sunny spells make people forgetful.


부정적인 사람이 오히려 더 합리적인 판단을 할 수 있다고??
흠.. 긍정적인 사람이.. 부정적인 사람들보다.. 더욱 풍부한 감성을 가지고 있다는 건 명백한 사실이니까.. 이것 또한 어쩌면 당연한 결과일수도 있겠다..

어떻게보면.. 부정적인 사람이.. 성격은 까칠하지만.. 꼼꼼한 일처리와 합리적인 선택을 요하는..
직업의 경우에는.. 더욱 합당한 사람일수도 있겠다..

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많은 사람들을 대해야하는.. 서비스직이.. 참 많은 직종이겠다..

고로.. 나의 경우로 따지면..
난.. 무척이나 긍정적인 사람이고..
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승무원보다 더욱 적당한 직업은 그 어디에도 없겠다..

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