어제 언니와 이런 이야기를 나누었었다.

사람이 당장 내일 죽는다고 하면 이렇게 아둥바둥 서로 다투며 살지는 않을거라고..

늘.. 내가 모르고 있다는 사실을 인지해야 한다고.


일어나야 할 일들을 막을수는 없지만.

일어나지 않아야 할 어제같은 사고를 보면.

슬프고. 가슴이 먹먹하고. 분노가 치민다.


이제 중등생활의 시험이 다 끝났다며 즐거워했을 중3들.  

중간고사가 끝났다며 힘겨웠던 마음을 떨치고 스트레스를 풀러 나갔을 우리 예쁜 고등학생. 대학생들.

한주의 고단함을 떨치러 나갔을 우리 예쁜 사회 초년생들.

누군가의 예쁜 아들.딸. 친구. 동생. 언니. 오빠.. 연인...

보물같은 아이들이...


세월호때처럼 내 마음의 우울함과 슬픔이.. 

한참이나 지속될 것 같다...





만물의 신이시여..

우리의 모든 보물들의 영혼을 평온하게 해주시고..

사랑하는 이를 잃은 아이들의 가족.친구들.연인들이... 잘 이겨낼 수 있도록..... 지켜주소서...



Posted by 요조숙녀*^^*

What men live by.

L.I.F.E.S.T.Y.L.E 2022. 9. 6. 23:16 |



I read it a few years ago, but I don't remember what the story was.

"What men live by!!"


Once, I had flown everywhere. Yes, That was exactly everywhere.

Before I got the schedule, I could apply the places where I wanted to go.

Then I could get 2-3 places that I wanted to get. 

It's was like a present. 

Sometimes, I came across the present in places where I couldn't expect.

I thought the life was like a miracle.


I met the people from all over the world and worked with them.

We had different color, thought, history background. However it doesn't matter.

Because we were together and shared our experiences.


I know the world is s-------------o huge. That's why we have innumerable options to live.

The life is a present.

Why do we live our priceless life as a prisoner?


Look at myself.

I live as if  the life lasts forever.

All my thought focus on my job. 

It seems that the goal of my life is just like a money. 

But it's not true.


All my wishes are to be happy with my family. 



What I wanted was to be happy with my family but I didn't have enough time to spend with them.

So I got very stressed out and couldn't satisfy with it.


Live the ways that I want.

It's the first step to make me happier.

Now I know how to live and what I want in my life.


In 2025. 

The time will be my biggest challenging period. Definitely!!

Let's see..... 


What I live by...



Posted by 요조숙녀*^^*